
Digital Signature Certificate for Export-Import

Do you feel surprised at reading 'Digital Signature Certificate for Export-Import'?

Whereas, Digital Signature Certificate is used for GST, MCA, Income Tax, Tender submissions, EPFO filings, and more... Digital Signature Certificate for Export-Import is also mandatorily used is not so commonly known. 

Digital Signature Certificate for export-import

Digital Signature Certificate for Export-Import is mandatory because of DGFT mandates usage of Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) Class-3 issued by CCA approved certifying agencies in India.

Please call us to get instantly DSC from licensed DSC providers.

Digital Signature Certificate for Export-Import

Digital Signature Price List - New Purchase

Digital Signature Certificate for Export-Import
Terms of Pricing
  • The prices mentioned above are exclusive of Token price.
  • GST of 18% is applicable for Digital Signature Certificate and GST of 18% is applicable on Token.
  • The prices are subject to change without prior notice.
  • For information and pricing of other solutions and services, please get in touch with us.

More About DSC

Digital Signing Certificates(DSC) are the digital equivalent to physical identification certificates such as driver license, passport or membership card.

Just like the physical certificates serve as proof of identity of an individual for a certain purpose - for instance, a driver's license identifies someone who can legally drive in a particular country - a digital certificate can be presented electronically to prove one′s identity and access information/services on the Internet, along with sign certain documents digitally.

Legal Validity of Digital Signatures in India

The Law Says:

  • The Information Technology Act, 2000: The law recognizes Digital Signature Certificates (DSCs) as valid and legal equivalents of handwritten signatures. So, your e-handshake carries the same legal weight as its ink-stained counterpart.
  • Admissibility in Court: Documents signed with valid DSCs are admissible as evidence in Indian courts, making them legally binding and enforceable. Whether it's a contract, tax return, or government filing, your e-signature holds its own.
  • Specific Regulations: Different sectors have specific regulations governing the use of DSCs. For example, e-tendering platforms like GeM (Government e-Marketplace) mandate Class 3 DSCs for secure transactions.

Understanding the Nuances:

  • Validity Timeframe: Every DSC has a validity period, typically one, two or three years. Don't sign documents with an expired DSC; renew it on time to maintain legal validity.
  • Certification Matters: Ensure your DSC is issued by a licensed Certifying Authority (CA). Unlicensed CAs might issue certificates with questionable validity or compliance issues.

Navigating E-Legality with Confidence:

  • Always verify the document signer's DSC before signing: Ensure their certificate is valid and issued by a trusted CA.
  • Maintain records: Keep copies of your DSC application, renewal documents, and signed documents for future reference.
  • Stay informed: Regulations and technologies in the e-world evolve quickly. Stay updated about changes that might impact your DSC's legal validity.

To be E-Legal Savvy:

  • Consult legal professionals: For complex transactions or legal uncertainties, seek advice from legal experts well-versed in e-signatures and their legal implications.
  • Choose a reliable provider: Trustworthy export-import consultancy like MULTIMODAL can offer support and guidance on legal compliance and using DSCs effectively for export-import.
  • Spread the word: Share your knowledge about the legal validity of digital signatures in India. Encouraging e-signatures can streamline workflows, reduce paperwork, and boost environmental sustainability.

Embrace the E-World with Confidence:

Armed with this knowledge, you can navigate the e-legal landscape with confidence. Remember, a valid and legally recognized DSC is your key to secure and binding transactions in the digital age. Choose a trusted consultancy like MULTIMODAL, follow responsible practices, and sign your way towards a thriving e-presence in India!

MULTIMODAL is your trusted partner in securing your export-import journey. Call us today and ensure your export-import carries the power of the law!

Summary of various Use-Cases of Digital Signature Certificate

1. Class 3 DSC Signing (Individual)

2. Class 3 DSC Signing (Organization)
- Purpose: Trade Mark, Patent e-filing, CBSE SCHOOL

- Purpose: e-Tender, e-procurement, e-Bidding, ICEGATE, IRCTC


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