
How to import GasMate in India?

Are you searching for how to import GasMate in India? If yes, you are at the right place because we have a large experience at helping our customers do so.

GasMate usually refers to:

  • SF6 Sulfur Hexafluoride
  • Pure C3F8 Perfluoropropane

SF 6 is primarily employed for electrical/ electronic utility purposes.

How to import GasMate in India

Contents of GasMate Kit:

  • One sterile bottle of C 3 F 8 , C 2 F 6  or SF 6  (your choice)
  • One sterile Valve
  • One sterile high quality filter
  • One sterile disposable syringe

Gases are 99.9% Pure, high quality gases and come in a sterile 50 ml packaging.

During Custom CLEARANCE Importer may be asked to

  1. Put up labels/Samples.
  2. Put up Import permission/CDSCO registration if any.
  3. Put up Free Sale Certificate and Declaration of Conformity of the products, from the country of origin.

The Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO)

The Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO) is India's national regulatory body responsible for cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and medical devices. It serves a similar function to the FDA in the United States or the EMA in the European Union.


Under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940, CDSCO has the following key responsibilities:

  • Approval of new drugs
  • Conducting clinical trials
  • Setting standards for drugs
  • Controlling the quality of imported drugs
  • Coordinating with state drug control organizations to ensure uniform enforcement of the Act

CDSCO also jointly grants licenses for certain specialized drugs like blood products, IV fluids, vaccines and sera along with state regulators.

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